To: The California State House
Let's Stop Daylight Saving Time In California
I believe we Very Much need to permanently stop Daylight Saving Time in Califo0rnia, beginning this March ( two thousand thirteen). Hawaii does very well w/o it. And that state has many crops - pineapple, papaya, sugar cane, mango.... So CALIFORNIA'S crops wopuld still thrive w/o it, Too. And there are millions of fatal motor vehicle accidents during the first week of the annual change from Standard Time to Daylight Saving Time! Finally, we use just as much ( if not More) elctricity turning All of the lights in our houses on during the increasedly dark mornings caused by Daylight Saving Time as we do turning just a few lights on at night during Standard Time. So I brelieve we'd be Much better off without it.
Why is this important?
I want to permanently stop Daylight Saving Time in California. And I want it to stop this year (have 2012 have been the last year of having it).