To: The United States House of Representatives

Let's use our tax money to get medical coverage for every American citizen!

Let's stand up to the HMO's and government and say, "Enough is enough!" We need to use the tax money for important matters that effect America as a whole from the poorest to the richest...we need to strengthen America and that starts with better medical coverage for us all!

Why is this important?

America should sign this petition so that America can get better health coverage around the nation both poor, rich and everyone in between!

Canada already has implemented health coverage to every citizen using there own tax money! We in America could learn from our neighbors!

We say we are the best and greatest country but we can only be as great as our weakest citizen! So let's unite together and bring strength, beginning with medical coverage to all!

It may seem like a pointless endeavor to some...I mean how can a single citizen bring about change? The simple truth is...I can't, not alone! You must unite with me one American to another American and stand hand in hand with your fellow American's...with all of America uniting we can be as strong of a nation as we once were! Let's change the course of history in America and show that we are still as strong and great as we have always been!