To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Leverage the US market with Federal law to balance world economy.

Bring jobs INTO America by making it a Federal Law that any imports into the USA must be manufactured only by companies adhering to OSHA and our environmental laws when it comes to resources. We do that with rare woods already. While it would be a lot of paperwork for us, we have to certify each aspect of manufacture and resources collection. (Do you really think workers in other countries will mind?) These actions will increase the cost for goods from other countries WHILE producing more jobs here. We may actually have to SAVE for somethings like our parents did and it will also spawn more work in repairing many items and keep us less likely to be such a throw away society.

Why is this important?

We have allowed other countries lower wages, a lack of workers safety and disregard for the environment to be our Achilles tendon for too long and it's time to real that in and balance the economics of all workers in the world for stability.