To: President Donald Trump
LGBTQ People Count, So Count Us!
Excluding LGBTQ people from the 2020 Census and the American Community Survey (ACS) is an attack on LGBTQ people's freedom, justice, and equity. We support collection of sexual orientation and gender identity information in the Census, in the American Community Survey, in the National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants, the Centers for Independent Living’s Annual Program Performance Report, and other federal surveys.
Why is this important?
Our community is strong and resilient, and we deserve to be seen. We Count.
The Trump administration's recent decision to remove sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) questions from HHS surveys, to halt progress on including SOGI questions in the Census and American Community Survey, and to stop evaluation of HUD LGBTQ programs make it seem like the Trump administration doesn't agree.
We won't stand for it. We demand to be counted. Reverse the decision not to collect data about LGBTQ people and their families now.
We Count, so count us!
The Trump administration's recent decision to remove sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) questions from HHS surveys, to halt progress on including SOGI questions in the Census and American Community Survey, and to stop evaluation of HUD LGBTQ programs make it seem like the Trump administration doesn't agree.
We won't stand for it. We demand to be counted. Reverse the decision not to collect data about LGBTQ people and their families now.
We Count, so count us!