To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis

Liberty Square Local Historic Designation

Liberty Square Local Historic Designation
I understand that historic designation of Liberty Square means that any future physical change to the exterior of the property must be approved in advance by the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board and/or its staff. I understand that historic designation does not prevent the property owner from selling this property or changing the current use of this property. Understanding these two things, I am in support of historic designation for all of or a portion of Liberty Square, because I believe that Liberty Square is architecturally and historically significant.

Why is this important?

by Paul S. George and Thomas K. Peterson
Tequesta, number XLVIII (1988)
History of Liberty Square, built in the 1930s for Miami's low-income African-Americans, and of the changing demographics of people living there. Florida's first housing project, built by the federal Public Works Administration (PWA).I. REACHING FOR UTOPIA: 1933-1936
This project will be one of the greatest blessings that
Miami ever had. It will not only eliminate the possibility of
fatal epidemics here, but also fix it so we can get a servant
freed from disease.
John Gramling,
October 17, 1934
The First Administration of Franklin Roosevelt was barely nine
months old when in December 1933, Miami attorney John Gramling,
along with six other lawyers and businessmen, formed the Southern
Housing Corporation for the purpose of developing a "negro colony" on
one hundred and twenty acres of land on Miami's northern outskirts.
Their inspiration was the recently-created United States Reconstruction
Finance Corporation, which provided low-interest loans for slum