Dear Friends, Family, community members, LU administrators, supporters, alumni and students,
We deeply regret the remarks made by chancellor, Jerry Falwell Jr. Since 2016 Jerry Jr. has supported President Trump, even with sexual assault allegations, applauding his handling of tragic neo nazi events in Charlottesville, VA, and most recently supporting demeaning remarks of immigrants from "shithole countries" in regard to Africa and Haiti. This is not who we are, and this is not what we stand for.
Will you join me in signing this petition calling for the resignation of chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. We hope for Liberty's success in academia, and training champions for Christ. This endeavor is blurred by a university leader who has erased positions of what human equality, equity and love for every fellow man looks like. We can do better with out him.
Why is this important?
As an LU alum, and community activist, I condemn chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. in his supportive remarks of POTUS during tumultuous times of neo-nazi events in Charlottesville, VA and most recently, his support of POTUS during undignified remarks of immigrants being from s***hole countries in regard to Africa and Haiti.
We realize that we need to be the change that we want to see in what LU represents in the community and world. We desire UNITY and not division. Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. is fostering division and we do not support him.