To: The Kentucky State House, The Kentucky State Senate, and Governor Matt Bevin
License Certified Professional Midwives in Kentucky
License Certified Professional Midwives in Kentucky. Kentucky families who choose to birth at home need access to quality midwifery care.
Why is this important?
Kentucky Home Birth Coalition is working to license direct-entry midwives using the Certified Professional Midwife credential. Kentucky Has a higher rate of home birth than the national average yet has no path to licensure for direct-entry midwives who provide the majority of care to these families. Women need access to quality maternity care regardless of their chosen place of birth. Certified Professional Midwives (CPM) are nationally credentialed midwives who are licensed in 27 other states and provide evidence-based and cost effective primary maternity care. More and more Kentucky women are choosing to give birth at home and need access to quality midwifery care. We urge the Kentucky legislature to vote yes to license Certified Professional Midwives.