To: Fox News and MSNBC

Lies Must Be Attacked NOW!

WE ARE GOING TO LOSE THE ELECTION TO LIES about our records, about the Republican records, and about other facts! WE ALREADY HAVE THE POWER AND THE RESOURCES TO PREVENT THIS! We have to have an ALL-OUT Progressive-to-Conservative challenge FOR EACH SIDE to TRY TO PROVE “Who Is Telling Lies”! It is to be done in findings/showings to be conducted ON SIMULCAST. It needs to be aired on both Fox News, AND MSNBC, both at the same time. The MSNBC team will be joined by any other people of their choosing. The Fox News team will be joined by other people of their choosing. Each team will try to prove what the other team has said is lies. And each team will try to PROVE what the other team claims to be a lies, are in fact true.
We can NOT ALLOW THEM TO IGNORE this challenge. WHEN THE TRUTH MAKES SOMEONE INFERIOR, THEY HAVE TO LIE! The REAL facts and our TRUE records can beat the Republican’s REAL records in any election.
The various shows on MSNBC are doing an EXCELLENT JOB of PROVING the Conservatives/Republicans/Fox News/conservative talk radio shows LIE EVERYDAY. They PROVE IT!
But – but – but – the ONLY PEOPLE SEEING THIS PROOF are people who are NOT exposed to the lies. If So many people listen to ONLY THE LIES, that it will cause us to lose the election to the Republicans. Those people will NOT listen to anything but the lying sources. They are NOT exposed to the truth. They ONLY watch/listen to Fox News and conservative talk radio. The lies have them very motivated against us.
And this is NOT including the additional lies that is, and will be, told by the unlimited quantities of lying advertisements brought about by “Citizen’s United.”
This is also the means to expose the Conservatives/Republicans for being bigots, hypocrites, and for PURPOSELY HARMING THE NATION for their own political gain.
We have to advertise the challenge for these Findings/Showings. Throughout their shows, each of the hosts of MSNBC have to keep making this challenge, over and over again. WE HAVE TO ADVERTISE THIS ON BILLBOARDS IN THE CITIES, IN NEWSPAPERS, IN MAGAZINES, AND ANYWHERE ELSE WE CAN THINK OF. THE CHALLENGE ITSELF WILL BECOME NEWS. So other news outlets will have to talk about it.
In these advertisements, we have to say that because one side cannot be trusted, everyone should get with friends, and some watch one channel while others watch the other channel. Then after the night’s Finding/Showing, the friends talk to each other. That will expose any crookedness done by Fox News. And advertise that if you do not have friends to do this with, try watching 2 TVs at once, with one on each channel.
And because they canNOT be trusted, behind each team will be a clock that is easy to see, and has a second hand. This is to prevent Fox News from editing the show to distort what was said on reruns.
Because the conservatives can NOT be trusted, each side will have control of their own microphones, both on their own and the other’s station.
This is to be done AT LEAST once a week. Otherwise the conservatives will rewrite the history of the finding/showing. AND there are so many lies, that once a week will not be enough to expose them all.
This is the ONLY way to defeat ALL the money from “Citizens United” and ALL their lies, COMBINED! But IT WILL DO SO!
All who agree this immediately has to be done, please sign this petition, and contact the MSNBC station, and EACH MSNBC host, ALL Progressive organizations, and anyone else interested in getting the truth out. Ask them to help with the money and means to inform people about this challenge. THIS MUST BE DONE IMMEDIATELY!

Why is this important?

ALL of the facts are on our side. But we are about to lose the election to the lies told by the Republicans, Fox News, and other Conservatives!
