To: President Donald Trump, The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, Governor Kate Brown, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Limit Contract Employment Length to 3 Months

Large corporations are avoiding paying benefits or providing stable employment to skilled workers such as Engineers, and more importantly, they are avoiding providing stable employment, by creating permanent temporary positions and staffing them with a revolving door of engineers on 12 to 18 month contracts. Since it takes 2 to 3 months for a skilled worker to learn the product and become proficient at their job, limiting maximum length of contract employment to 3 months will ensure that these employers create full time positions to fill permanent positions instead of cycling an endless door of contractors through the same position.

Why is this important?

Permanent positions are being staffed by an endless cycle of contract workers. This is not only depressing the wages of skilled workers, but it's making it increasingly difficult to find steady employment with benefits, even for qualified and experienced engineers.
