To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Limit Corruption & Set Term Limits

Over the years we have witnessed scandals and corruption in politics. This seems to have only increased over the years. Politicians are willing to sell out their constituents in order to remain in office. The poor and the working class no longer have a voice in their government because many life long politicians have been bought by big money and special interest groups. Many qualified individuals never get the opportunity to serve in government because big money ensures that their favored officials win re-election each year. It is time to put an end to this process and set consecutive term limits for Congress in order to limit the influence that money has on the political process. Proposed limits: 2 consecutive terms for senators and 4 consecutive terms for congress.

Why is this important?

Senators & Congressmen spend much of their lives in office, allowing them to be bought and sold by big money and special interests groups. Like the President, Congress should be subject to term limits to limit the possibility of corruption.