To: President Donald Trump

Limit Homework Per Night

Students are overwhelmed with amounts of homework and have trouble balancing their lives.

Why is this important?

Students are overwhelmed with sometimes hours of homework every night after school. A lot of students happen to be athletes. It's very difficult to go to a sports practice after school for a few hours, go home and eat dinner by 5 or 6 at nights and then realize that you still have anywhere from 1 to even 4 hours of homework. Students stress levels are through the roof while trying to finish all of their homework and study for tests and also make sure they are getting enough sleep for school the next day and have a little bit of free time. As a student myself, I can speak for fellow classmates that a lot of the time, balancing homework, sports and family time is a very difficult thing to do. It causes a lot of unnecessary stress and homework should be limited for each subject for each night.
