To: The California State House, The California State Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Limit Medical Benefits of Elected Officials to those available to ordinary Citizens

This petition is to limit the government provided medical benefits to the approximately the same level as the citizens the elected officials govern. I am sick of paying thousands of dollars per month as an individual for me and my family while elected officials who are supposed to be representing me, get and give compensation to large corporations that turn around and charge me MORE money for medical coverage, that the corporations more often not simply deny anyway.
If the rich Congress persons want more extensive coverage than what we citizens have then let them pay for that extra coverage. Then maybe the Congress persons will stop giving sweet deals to the pharmaceutical and medical providers, and may just maybe they will experience the 20% and more in payment increases PER YEAR that we citizens have been experiencing.

Why is this important?

This petition is to limit the government provided medical benefits to the approximately the same level as the citizens the elected officials govern. I am sick of paying thousands of dollars per month as an individual for me and my family while elected officials who are supposed to be representing me, get and give compensation to large corporations that turn around and charge me MORE money for medical coverage, that the corporations more often not simply deny anyway.