To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Limit the power of the Homeowners Association

I urge all interested parties to pass legislation that educes and defines the power of the Home Owners Association (HOA) to take a persons home to satisfy a debt owed them. I propse that any debt owed to an HOA be treated like any other debt. HOA's are stealing the dreams of Americans.
Please join me in signing this petition to limut the power of the HOA.

Why is this important?

I am seeing more and more homes being taken from hardworking people because of debts owed a homeowners assosiation.
I have seen and heard the abuse of power that these people hold and it seems to me and many others to be just another way to steal what others have spent their lives sacrificing to build.

The debts to a HOA should be just like a cedit card debt and as such a persons home should be safe from collection ptactices.
