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To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Limits on what is appropriate for kids to wear in Beauty Pageants

In Toddlers and Tiara and other shows like it kids are being dressed in adult outfits and doing things that 4 year olds should not even be thinking of doing. Most parents feel that it is just like playing dress up or playing pretend, but when you are doing this in a media rich environment where other can see and imitate it that takes on a whole new image.

Why is this important?

At first pageants were just cute kids in frilly outfits, but now it has turned into kids pretending to smoke, dressing as strippers, even padded breasts are now the norm. Kids are often seen kicking,screaming,and BEGGING for there moms to stop with the make up and spray on tans! We need to change this.



2024-06-20 22:24:40 -0400

10 signatures reached