To: The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, and Governor Jay Inslee
Living Wage for Washington State
We the people of Washington State deserve to make a living wage. The current minimum wage does nor pay for the actual cost of living. There are too many people that have worked to get higher educations just to become trapped in go nowhere minimum wage positions that put their level of wages at or even below the Federal Poverty Level. We need a minimum wage that is at $12 an hour minimum wage or better yet 2-5% above the actual cost of living and it needs to stay at that level.
Why is this important?
I have two college degrees and two accompanying technical certificates and can not get a decent paying position. I know from personal experience that minimum wage is too low and employers will only pay the levels that are mandated. We need a minimum wage that is at least 2-5% above the actual cost of living and it needs to stay at that level.