To: Ypsilanti Township

Local Ypsilanti Twp. Business needs your support!

Beacon Hair Design, a local business that has been in Ypsilanti for over 30 years, has recently started selling Estate Sale and Auction items to offset the cost of repaired damage caused by swindlers.

We are NOT a pawnshop, we do not give loans or buy items from customers.

We are NOT a junk dealer, we do not sell broken/bad condition items.

We pride ourselves in having a clean store with clean items, and providing like new/new items to our customers at low prices.

Why is this important?

Recently, Ypsilanti Township sent notice to cease sales of anything other than clothing/apparel.
Our purpose is to have a reputable thriving business that will benefit the residents of Ypsilanti Township and surrounding communities by purchasing items from auctions and/or estate sales and selling those items at a low, affordable price. Such items would include; dishes, house wares, kitchen wares, home decor etc. With the economy at a low we feel the items we sell are beneficial to our customers.
We, the undersigned, request that you allow Beacon Hair Design to continue selling other items in addition to clothing/shoes/purses so they may continue to help the community purchase items at low prices that are in like/new condition.