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To: Dr. Cathy Washer, Superintendent, Lodi Unified School District, Name, Title or Position (optional), Cathleen Galgiani (CA-5), and Rep. Jerry McNerney (CA-9)

Lodi Unified School District: Stop Supporting Disproportionality

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

I believe that students should be held accountable for their actions and receive consequences for their poor choices. However, I cannot support academic failure. Bear Creek teachers have the support of administrators like Sera Baysinger, Assistant Principal, in their decision to refuse students the opportunity to make up class work or homework after (or during) suspension.

The suspension itself is not an adequate method of discipline, so to further punish students, their grades are impacted. As an example: a child is suspended for 3-5 days and then misses 50 points in class work and/or homework in each of his or her classes. Fifty points can sometimes be the difference between passing and failing. Should this student be refused the opportunity to make up missed work?

This policy seems counterproductive to the success of students and disproportionately impacts minority students.

The Lodi Unified School District's website boasts: "Educating Students for Success!" If this is true, then the current policy needs to be changed, and I'm asking for your support.

Thank you.

Why is this important?

According to the 2011/2012 SARC (School Accountability Report Card) for Bear Creek High School, African American students were 16.4% (approximately 317 students) of the total school enrollment of 1932 students. However, they received 640.5 days of suspension; more than a third of the 1,833.7 total days of suspension.

AB420 is currently trying to amend Education Code Section 48900 as it relates to pupil discipline. Members of our legislature recognize how the overuse of 48900 (k)1 disproportionately impacts minority students.



2020-12-23 13:01:08 -0500

50 signatures reached