To: Bob Foster, Long Beach CA, Mayor, Long Beach CA City Council, Robert Garcia, 1st Councilmanic District, Suja Lowenthal, 2nd Councilmanic District, Gary DeLong, 3rd Councilmanic District, Patrick O'Donnell, 4th Councilmanic District, Dee ...

Long Beach City Council: Suspend our "sister-city" relationship with anti-gay Russian city, Sochi.

Please immediately pass a resolution suspending the "sister-city" relationship between Long Beach and Sochi, Russia. As a "sister city" to the 2014 Winter Olympic Host City, we can and must send a message: We value and cherish our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender residents and will not tolerate discrimination against our LGBT brothers and sisters by a "sister city."

Why is this important?

Russian sports minister Vitaly Mutko has said that foreign nationals, including Olympic athletes and spectators, will be subject to Russia's anti-gay laws during the 2014 Winter Olypics in Sochi, Russia. The city of Long Beach should send a clear message that violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender citizens of Sochi, Russia (the rest of Russia, and international visitors) is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.