To: The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, and Governor Jared Polis

Love for Trayvon

Why do we have to stand by and accept what we are told?
I don't know who to talk to or how to contact the necessary people, then I thought about it and it occurred to me that if we don't stand up for Trayvon these hate crimes will never end and I want to see it end now during my lifetime. I don't know Trayvon or his family but I have been deeply touched by this story and the injustice of what happened to this innocent child. He unfortunately is not the first and even more unfortunately wont be the last. Let's decide as moral and ethical humans that this will not continue, not in Florida and not in my home state of Colorado or anywhere in the US. Let's stand together as A NATION lets make this really about being human and the injustices of people against people and not just another hate crime, enough is enough. Let's stand together as one all the way here in Colorado and all over for justice for a child and every child everywhere.

Why is this important?

