To: Blaine A. Griffin, Concilman

Lower the penalty for misdemeanor marijuana offenses in Cleveland!

The city of Cleveland, OH should adopt the Sensible Marijuana Ordinance, which lowers the penalty for misdemeanor marijuana offenses (i.e. possession) to the lowest allowable penalty under Ohio state law.

Why is this important?

It is time we HELP end the War on Marijuana! Cleveland is the 2nd largest city in Ohio and has roughly 400,000 residents that would benefit greatly from the Sensible Marijuana ordinance.

The aggressive enforcement of marijuana possession laws needlessly ensnares hundreds of thousands of citizens into the criminal justice system and wastes billions of taxpayer dollars. Furthermore, this issue has been executed with staggering racial bias. Despite being a priority for police departments nationwide, the War on Marijuana has failed to reduce marijuana use and availability. It has also diverted resources that could be better invested in our communities.

Together we can create a smart fair sensible marijuana ordinance in the City of Cleveland. The Sensible Cleveland Marijuana Ordinance would decriminalize in the city of Cleveland, OH :
1. Marijuana under 200 grams
2. Paraphernalia
3. Hashish under 10 grams
4. and allow one to gift up to 20 grams

1. Save taxpayer dollars
2. Better use of city resources and assets
3. Free the police for higher priority issues
4. Protect individual rights

It is not fair for residents of Cleveland to be punished for minimal amounts of marijuana. It is our assertion that the current restrictions and policy regarding Marijuana Control in Cleveland doesn’t ensure public safety and wastes valuable resources. The current policies affect thousands of lives every year. When people are arrested for possessing even tiny amounts of marijuana, it can have dire collateral consequences that affect their eligibility for public housing, student financial aid, employment opportunities, child custody determinations, and immigration status.

Thank you for giving your time - we need your HELP CLEVELAND!
