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To: Governor Gavin Newsom

Lower the Price of Parking and Traffic Violations

The cost of traffic and parking violations has risen at a rate that is not consummate with average income levels in the state of California, often causing undue, financial hardships for both families and individuals.
It's unfair to make citizens choose between paying a high parking or traffic fine, feeding their families and getting to and from their workplace.
We respectfully request that you look into the matter and make significant reductions in the cost of of parking tickets and traffic violations in the state of California.

Why is this important?

The price of parking and traffic tickets has skyrocketed over the past five years. While our state needs funding, the price of both parking and moving violations has reached a level that inconsistent with the income levels of many California residents, causing undue financial hardship. People do lose their cars in some instances because they cannot afford to pay the high price of car-related fines.
Los Angeles, as one example, is a city that often requires driving and from the workplace; it does not yet have a fast, reliable public transport system and has long traveling distances.
Parking fees throughout California have risen along with the cost of meter violations. The cost traffic and parking violations does not significantly reduce violations of traffic or parking laws. The costs are overly punitive and cause more problems for tax-payer's than the money generated for the state solves.
If you would like to have the cost parking and traffic violations significantly reduced, please sign this petition.



2020-12-16 11:33:40 -0500

10 signatures reached