To: Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and Michell Chester, Massachusetts Commissioner of Education

MA Education Commissioner Mitchell Chester: Say no to receivership for Holyoke

Do not take local control of the schools away from the community by placing the Holyoke Public Schools into state receivership. Holyoke needs state support for its schools and students, not a state takeover.

Why is this important?

Holyoke, MA is a district that serves a high percentage of students who live in poverty and whose first language is not English. In Massachusetts, schools and districts are ranked on a scale of 1-5 based on data taken from high stakes standardized test scores and other data such as dropout rates, all of which are directly correlated with income. Level 5 districts face the severe sanction of being placed into state receivership.

Because of the misuse of this data, Holyoke has been rated a Level 4 district and is currently facing the possibility of a Level 5 rating and losing control of its schools to a state-appointed receiver. Removing local control will do nothing to address the real issue affecting student achievement, which is economic injustice. Holyoke needs state support for its schools and students, not a state takeover.

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