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To: MA Rep. Sean Garballey, Vice Chair, Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight and MA Rep. Danielle Gregoire, Chair, Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight

MA House: "We want vote on Gender Neutral ID Option"

Provide a gender neutral designation on Massachusetts state documents .

Why is this important?

The issue is simple. Currently in Massachusetts transgender and non-binary residents cannot identify themselves for who they truly are. By the state not allowing for an a gender neutral marker, "X", our government makes transgender and non-binary resident invisible. They literally cannot identify as themselves in the eyes of the state, there is no mechanism. This lack of a gender neutral identification option is discriminatory - demonstrating a fundamental lack of acceptance and respect for our friends, relatives and neighbors.

Currently, Mass Drivers Licenses/IDs and birth certificates only allow for male/female designation. If a trans/non-binary resident wants to have their voter registration reflect their gender identity rather than the default M/F, they must petition the Secretary of the Commonwealth! This binary requirement, allowing only male or female, is likely pervasive across all agencies in the Commonwealth. While bathroom access is important, being recognized for who you are is essential.

For national context, Massachusetts would be among approximately 10 states and DC who have already allowed gender neutral markers for drivers licenses and among 4 states that have allowed gender neutral IDs for birth certificates.

In April, gender neutral ID legislation passed overwhelmingly in the state Senate, 39-1. Unfortunately, despite this strong support, it appears to be stuck in the House. The House version of the bill, H3664, was originally filed in the House by Rep. Mindy Domb of Amherst and Rep. Decker of Cambridge. This bill is stuck in the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight; there is no hearing scheduled. Unless this bill is voted favorably out of committee so the full House can vote on it, it will die. Getting this done soon is important to keep momentum before legislators break in July for the summer.

This petition seeks to get a hearing set by the Committee and then asks that the Committee vote to approve the bill for consideration by the entire Mass. House.

In addition to signing petition, consider a call or email to Committee and ask them for hearing for H3664

Chair Danielle W. Gregoire
[email protected] (617) 722-2140

Vice Chair Sean Garballey
[email protected] (617) 722-2090

Thank you!



2020-02-06 11:52:37 -0500

Good news regarding Mass. gender neutral identification bill that YOU supported!

Yesterday, Feb. 5 was the deadline for bills to be voted out of committee (or die). The House bill, now renumbered H4363 ( was voted affirmatively out of committee. Now the focus will be on getting the full Mass. House of Representatives to vote for it.

More news when we have some. Thanks for your support with this!

-Michael DeChiara
Shutesbury, MA