To: The United States Senate

Macy's day parade protest against Trump

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Let's all stand up against the hate Trump has brought to our country.

Why is this important?

There are so many awful things going on in this country right now. It's saddens me to know that our country is bringing us back 50 years. It is very important for people to come together and stand up against all this hate and racism. It seems to be the norm lately for people to outright target anyone who doesn't have white skin. We cannot allow this to go on any longer!!! The only way to change this is to let your voice be heard "loud and proud" stand united against this hate. If you think it won't make a difference you are wrong. United we stand divided we fall. Get your friends, family and neighbors. We will be organizing a march and we need you #unitedagainsthate