To: Jeff Zucker, President of CNN

END Mainstream Media bias against Bernie Sanders/CNN & MSNBC

CNN & MSNBC are repeatedly broadcasting polls wherein the 18- 49 (years of age) voting bloc is either under-sampled, or disregarded completely, and thusly skewing polls to favor Establishment Candidates for the Democratic Nomination. In our view they are doing this in an attempt to downplay the support that Senator Bernie Sanders has among that particular voting bloc and therefore engaging in a form of voter suppression.

Why is this important?

We are demanding that Mainstream Media Outlets, such as CNN & MSNBC, start showing fair coverage of Bernie Sanders’ strong support across America. We are convinced that some of the same tactics that Mainstream Media employed during the Democratic Primaries of 2016 are being used again. This resulted in our Candidate losing the Democratic Nomination and by default putting Donald Trump in the White House.

***This petition will also be delivered to Philip T. Griffin, President of MSNBC***