To: Rob Hess, Superintendent Lebanon Community Schools and Brad Shreve, Principal- Lebanon High School

Maintain LHS French program

One of the Lebanon Community School District's goals is the expansion and offering of World Languages. The current French program has shown it's sustainability and potential to continually fill sections at the high school. By offering French students have options for meeting their World Language requirements in Lebanon which will help retain students and make Lebanon a more desirable school to attend. The 60% retention rate from French 2 to French 3 shows that students have a desire to not only fulfill their World Language requirements but also continue to more advanced levels of language learning, a goal that should be supported by Lebanon administration. The adoption of a new French text for the 2012-2013 year should be another incentive for French to continue as not to waste funds spent on the purchase of those texts. Maintaining the French program will not negatively effect the Lebanon budget as they are simply replacing a teacher that has left his position. Support French, support World Languages, support Lebanon students receiving a cultural and global education, KEEP FRENCH IN LEBANON HIGH SCHOOL!

Why is this important?

There are so many students that have signed up and wish to continue/begin to learn the French language at LHS. By not re-filling this position the district will be taking away from students' ability to further their education.
