To: Charles Ramsey, Madeline Kronenberg, Tony Thurmond, Antonio Medrano, Elaine Merriweather, Bruce Harter, and Tom Torlakson

Maintain Low Class-sizes in West Contra Costa District!

Dr. Harter and Members of the Board of the West Contra Costa School District,

Maintain the current class sizes next year in our schools! Our schools have already taken significant budget cuts to the classroom! Class sizes have already grown in the last two years. Do NOT raise class size any further.

Why is this important?

Elementary Schools in WCCSD are poised to see our lower grade class sizes increase up to over 30 students per class. Most studies show kids benefit from low class sizes in every possible respect - - they perform better in school, they have less chance of falling behind and needing additional help, and they see more success in the future. Our school board has a chance to keep class sizes low in their upcoming budget. We’re calling on them to stand up for students and education and keep class sizes low!