To: Meredith Sugar, Esq, AGBAD President


Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing has ignited a firestorm in the Deaf community when they downplayed Nyle DiMarco's success and advocacy. Shame on @AGBELL @NAD1880 @endaudism

Why is this important?

I am asking everyone to sign this petition to request that Alexander Graham Bell Assocation cease their campaign against American Sign Language and our proud Deaf culture. AGBAD has been plotting with their lies and distorted truth against us since September 11, 1880.

"It is our hope to dispel the myths about deafness and spread the word that deaf children can hear and talk. What it means to be “deaf” has changed." commented in her post by M. Sugar, President, AGBAD.

The recent post by AGBAD was a final straw in the camel's back. They need to cease and desist their oppression and audism.

It is time for them to fold as they do not represent the truth about the Deaf community. American Sign Language is here to stay!

It is time for AGBAD to end its 136 years of lies!
