To: Governor Steve Sisolak

Make ALL Nevada schools number 1 in our nation.

Nevada needs the best teachers for ALL of our children, not just for the wealthy. ALL of our children in Nevada are depending on you to give them the best and most effective teachers for their futures.

Why is this important?

Governor Sandoval, our children are Nevada’s future. ALL children in Nevada deserve the best teachers so that Nevada no longer ranks last in our nation in education.

Nevada ranks last in the U.S. for high school graduates. In the top school districts worldwide, three things matter most: 1) getting the right people to become teachers, 2) developing them into effective instructors and, 3) ensuring that the system is able to deliver the best possible instruction to EVERY child. Nevada will dwell more on primary and secondary education. We need to make sure that ALL children in secondary education are prepared to meet the needs of our ever changing and demanding workforce, this means, preparing them for the world outside of Nevada and seeing that ALL are prepared to meet those needs through higher education. Without our children meeting the future workforce demands, Nevada will remain a workforce that only supports low-paying casino and mining jobs.
