To: Rep. Haley Stevens (MI-11)
Rep. Bentivolio: Co-sponsor the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014
Whereas the U. S. Supreme Court has weakened the protections of the Voting RIghts Act which assured millions of Americans of a right to vote; and
Whereas those protections need to be restored so that those who have difficulty getting to the polls, those who have no driver's licenses can prove their right to vote, and those who have recent changes in address can register and vote can vote without interference or obstacles created for political purposes;
The Congress and the President should pass and sign the bill which will restore those protections, The Voting RIghts Amendment and Congressman Bentivolio should co-sponsor such a bill as a demonstration of his belief in democracy and the principal of one man - one vote.
Whereas those protections need to be restored so that those who have difficulty getting to the polls, those who have no driver's licenses can prove their right to vote, and those who have recent changes in address can register and vote can vote without interference or obstacles created for political purposes;
The Congress and the President should pass and sign the bill which will restore those protections, The Voting RIghts Amendment and Congressman Bentivolio should co-sponsor such a bill as a demonstration of his belief in democracy and the principal of one man - one vote.
Why is this important?
THis Petition is important because Congressman Bentivolio has heretofore exhibited a lack of sympathy for the poor, the disadvantaged and the aged who have difficulty in voting within limited time frames or lack proof of citizenship in the form of a photo ID like a driver's license, or who have moved or are relocating and need to register and vote in a sort length of time.