To: National Automobile Dealers Association and National Independent Automobile Dealers Association, Mike Linn, CPP - CEO

Make Car Dealership Buildings More Environmentally Safe

The natural resources devoured by the need to heat and cool the huge showrooms with twenty foot high ceilings is wasteful at a time when more should be done to eliminate such wanton use. The glaringly-lit front facades that remain lit overnight are wasting electricity and causing a great amount of light pollution.

Looking around towns and on the internet, it seems that these dealership buildings are cookie-cutter made - all look the same, giant, wasteful structures with lighted facades. If this is the "industry standard" of design, what part of the message of saving the environment are you automobile dealers missing? You sell us fuel-saving cars, but waste that same fuel on heat, air conditioning and electric lighting!

We consumers are signing this petition to urge you to make your buildings more energy efficient, waste less or OUR resources, and reduce light pollution, which destroys our night skies and confuses migrating birds!

Why is this important?

Modern automobile dealerships are large, vacuous and glaringly-lit monstrosities. They are costly to the environment for the natural resources they devour and the light pollution that brighten the night skies, obliterating our view of the stars and confusing migrating birds.