To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Make CDCr stop indeterminate SHU sentencing

Please support the END of indeterminate SHU sentencing and "in house kangaroo court" practices that place prison inmates in such predicaments.
We want the Governor to stop the warehousing of humans for political and financial gain. We want these people, who are STILL PEOPLE, be allowed to have opportunity to actually rehabilitate with hopes of a brighter future, Not all prisoners are serial killers, It is time to stop treating everyone in the SHU as if they were. Stop allowing prisoners to be used for profit at no benefit to them as human beings... even the smallest of positive change can turn a man around.. .

Why is this important?

Pelican Bay Prison has been a hot spot of controversy, and the controversy is NOT the prisoners, but those who run the prison itself, namely the BOP and CDCr, CCPOA, Gov. Brown and every staff member for allowing the abuse to perpetuate such practices of human warehousing for profit.
