"Treat missionaries and their donors ethically, so future contributors can donate to religious non profits in good faith."
Why is this important?
Leadership in the Campus Ministry division of Campus Crusade for Christ have recently hired potential missionaries just to remove them as soon as the missionaries have raised appropriate funding for themselves and the ministry. Campus Crusade is only suppose to receive 10% of money raised through individual missionaries. The missionaries are supposed to receive the outstanding balance. The Campus Ministry division recently hired a missionary to raise money only without telling them this was their sole purpose, leading them to believe they would be allowed to collect the funds they had raised ($35,000) when they met their financial goal. They have fired missionaries after they have raised their funding and kept the donations for their sole purposes. CCC President Stephen Douglass, Vice President- Steve Sellers and Campus Ministry division head Mark Gauthier can make changes that treat missionaries and their donors with more integrity.