To: Bill Windsor, Lawless America chief, The Pennsylvania State House, and The Pennsylvania State Senate


It is time for child-support arrangements in the USA to be 1) arranged according to a reasonable and progressively bracketed percentage of the actual week-to-week-income of the non-custodial parent, rather than the whim of a judge; 2) decriminalized, with sanctions imposed via credit record scores rather than imprisonment, except in cases where there are serious crimes committed by absconding scofflaws; 3) supervised by a specialized, non-prosecutorial arbitrator, rather than by a judge. This will help restore the American family and the American dream.

Why is this important?

Child support has been a photo-op for ambitious politicians who are eager to collect scalps at the expense of community and family stability. These unscrupulous politicians erode the tax base, while getting their name in the newspapers - in a vote-buying scheme which benefits no one except for the private prison industy. It is time to stop criminalizing millions of decent American men who are harmless, and who should be protected by Government in the USA.