To: The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, and Governor Jared Polis
Make Colorado Green Again
Make Colorado live up to its reputation of being eco-friendly by requiring recycling services to be provided alongside trash
Why is this important?
I moved to Colorado because of its excellent reputation for being a progressive and forward - thinking place. I have since learned that it's one of the dirtier places I have ever lived, competing with New York and Chicago for the crush of unwashed garbage littering the streets. I would like recycling services to be made available in every public space where resources are consumed, and required in HOA's and Tenancy agreements as a utility option state-wide. Colorado is already very friendly towards green energy and has a lot to offer any newcomer, but around 10,000 people move here each week and each person generates an average of 4lbs of garbage per day. There are already over a million people here. Places that don't offer recycling services such as living complexes, shopping centers, and corporate offices should be held accountable for the garbage they generate that could have been recycled, and everyone should be given the o choice to help save our planet.