To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Make DC a State: Pass the New Columbia Admission Act

Congress should immediately vote on, and pass Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton's New Columbia Admission Act turning the District of Columbia into the 51st state. The law would redraw the District line to include only the area along the mall from the Capitol building to White House and Lincoln memorial, and award Congressional representation and statehood to those citizens in the area outside of the new district line.

It is a travesty that in a country founded on the idea of "No Taxation without Representation," the 618,000 residents of the District of Columbia do not have a vote in the United States Senate or on the floor of the Unites States House of Representatives.

It is long past time to make DC a state like every other.

Why is this important?

I recently moved to New York City after living in Washington, DC for the better part of two decades. I have never thought it was fair that DC residents are denied the right of full voting representation in Congress. Now that I live in New York City and have the privilege of voting representation in Congress, I consider it my duty to lobby my elected representatives to extend my rights to my brothers and sisters in DC.