To: The New York State House and The New York State Senate

Make "Healthy New York" healthy for low-income New Yorkers!

“Healthy New York” is supposed to provide affordable health insurance to low income New Yorkers, but under Insurance Law Section 4326, the program turns a blind eye to the full range of physical therapies and mental health services which should be available. Tell the New York State House and Senate to re-write Insurance Law Section 4326 in order to expand benefits to low-income New Yorkers—and to open all rate approval hearings to the public!

Why is this important?

The petition aims for improved regulation of this so-called "low-income" insurance program administered by NY State under provisions of a 2001 piece of legislation, and to assure that modifications to that law provide the same benefits available to employer-based insurance policies. As a subscriber to "Healthy New York," I am alarmed at the increases on premiums and the denial of standard benefits like physical therapy and mental health services.