To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Make Humiliation of Down Syndrome Individuals a hate crime

Stop entertainers and individuals from making money by humiliating children/adults with Down Syndrome and special needs.

Why is this important?

My child has Down syndrome and it is very upsetting to see the entertainment industry use our children in jokes to humiliate them and make them look less human. This allows special needs children and adults to be bullied and victimized by those around them because if it is okay for TV comedians, actors and movies to do so then it is okay to do it to them in school, work or where they live and play. I don't want my child and anybody else's child to be victims of bullying and hate crimes because they are different. Please sign my petition to make this a hate crime, it shouldn't be allowed because it is the right thing to do. People should not gain money by making fun of those that can't fight back.
