To: Kathleen Sebelius, HHS Secretary

Make Indian Health Service facilities available for voter registration

Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: Please make Indian Health Service facilities available for voter registration as allowed under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.

Why is this important?

A million American Native Americans are not registered to vote. A million! Over the last century since securing their rightful place, as citizens in 1924 and at the ballot box in 1948, Native people have remained one of the most disenfranchised group of voters in the United States. Jefferson Keel, president of the National Congress of American Indians, has started a campaign to fix that and you can help.
The designation of Indian Health Service facilities as voter registration sites will make registering to vote easier and more accessible. This would have a significant impact on the voting rights of thousands of Native Americans.
HHS Secretary Sebelius has an opportunity to ensure that the first people of America are able to register and vote by mandating Indian Health Service facilities as voter registration sites.