To: The Oklahoma State Senate

Make law enforcement get human trafficking education

I ask that all local and state police and all members of the Sheriffs Department be required to attend at least 12 hours of Human Trafficking awareness classes and at least 6 hours of training for proceedures in dealing with both victims and thier abductors. This should be done at least once every two years as changes will make this a progressive pursuit.

Why is this important?

If you ask any local policeman if he has dealt with a human trafficking case he will say no. That policemen probably did and just did not recognize the signs. We need to educate our "protectors" to be able to protect everyone. Runaways are the biggest targets for human traffickers and nothing is being done to stop this tragedy. Most victims are girls under the age of 14. Think about your sisters and brothers, nieces and nephews and let's get law enfocement educated now to recognize the signs and help them out! For more information look at OATH. Oklahomans Against Trafficking Humans.
