To: Deirdra Baldwin


The following Taos Residents request the Mayor of Taos, the Town Council, and the County Commission to get serious about litter in Taos. We need a radio public announcement campaign against litter. We want the laws enforced by the Taos Police and the State Police. We want the weight of our public officials on the side of clean lots and roads. We want a clean community to benefit our children and boost the general morale.

Why is this important?

Taos is going through rough economic times. That means that tourists come less, buy less, and make decisions based upon their experience. Taos has a lot to offer, but litter isn't one of the good things. Encourage our town government to engage in radio public service announcements and enforce the laws about litter.
To stop depending on its good hearted citizens to clean up after the inconsiderate. No one tells them not to litter. Clean up Taos and boost morale.