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To: Paul Finley

Make Madison Alabama Beautiful Again

Hi my name is Emily Fama and I have lived in Madison Alabama for my entire life. I've seen the changes being made to Madison Alabama over the years and I am quite worried about much construction has taken place here and their impact on our eco-system. While I am aware that we are a small town, our impact as a community can add up fast. I believe it is our responsibility as citizens to be cautious of our environmental impact and the toll deforestation causes to nature. I do not believe I can make this effort alone, we desperately need each other to save our planet. That is why I am calling on to YOU to help this reach our mayor, Paul Finley, and to show the community's love for our city

Why is this important?

The ecosystem of Madison, Alabama is gravely important to me because it directly impacts our quality of life! Our actions effect the quality of air we breathe, the beauty of our wonderful city, and the animal's habitats we destroy for our own. During my lifetime, I have seen the forest and land I grew up with torn down and built into facilities that I believe we do not need. As a citizen, I am happy that our town has grown so much but I stop to consider just how much we are taking from our environment. So please, help me reach the city officials to ask for more funding and consideration to the Beautification and Tree Board to create this change for the better.



2024-07-04 16:13:53 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-06-19 20:07:20 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-04-06 18:17:28 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-04-01 13:56:03 -0400

10 signatures reached