To: Governor Phil Murphy
Make Medical Marijuana Available to the Sick People Who Have Been Approved for its Use
Allow sick patients the ability to buy legal medical marijuana, which was voted into law, but is being unlawfully circumvented by the Governor and the Dept. of Health.
Why is this important?
Medical Marijuana was voted and passed by the people of New Jersey for use by ill people who are determined by a State appointed Physician as useful for an ill patient. Yet in one of the most populace states in the Union, only one distribution store is open, and their hands are tied by only being allowed to grow at certain times of the year, and to only grow a limited amount. Other distribution centers would like to begin growing and helping patients, yet as of this moment, are not allowed to, while the state legislature is still accepting applications, accepting the money the patient is required to send along with the application, and issuing I.D. cards to these patients. The one distribution center is over 1000 patients behind, and since they are only allowed to grow a limited amount, will not be able to help these patients, who are hoping for the relief the marijuana could give them. So even though it is the will of the people, voted on and passed as law, Gov.Christie and Republican legislatures have made it impossible for deserving patients to receive help, circumventing the law.