To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Make Mega-Companies Pay Taxes!
We, the undersigned, petition the President and the Congress to stop the practice of allowing huge, super-wealthy companies to pay NO taxes and to receive government subsidies. There are around 30 Fortune 500 companies who are on this list. We maintain that not only is the middle class carrying the tax burden for the poor, but often for the wealthy as well. This is not only unjust, but it is not a fiscally sound practice. If these companies paid even a low rate, we would not have a deficit for long. Please address this issue as soon as possible.
Why is this important?
About 30 of the top Fortune 500 companies not only pay NO taxes, but they receive government subsidies. This includes companies like AT&T, Verizon, GE, etc. Others pay taxes, but tiny percentages, like Fed Ex, which pays a .09% rate. Their earnings are so astronomical that even if they paid a low rate, we would not have a deficit for long. Middle class people are carrying the tax burden for not only the poor, but often for the rich as well, and this is not right!