To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Make Monsanto Pay for Agricultural Terrorism

Repeal the right to patent life, starting with taking back patents on Monsanto's 11,000+ natural seeds. Ban Genetically Modified Organisms as an act of Agricultural Terrorism. Investigate and persecute any top-ranking government officials with a tie to Monsanto and charge them & their lobbyists for bribery and conspiracy to commit global terrorist acts. Extinguish the Monsanto Protection Act. Fire the FDA Commissioner Michael R. Taylor. Flush the government from the infiltration of a terrorist organization operating through the corporate shield of Monsanto.

Why is this important?

Monsanto needs to be stopped, their patents on seeds repealed, and all the top-ranking government officials with ties to the company must be investigated and persecuted accordingly for conspiracy to commit agricultural terrorism in the USA and abroad.