To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

Make Rick Perry support Obamacare in Texas

Texas quit playing with peoples' lives. We do not want to 'redo' healthcare. We have a law in place now and we need to implement it. Pass OBAMACARE in TEXAS. No more wasting time. It is time to more on to other important pending issues. Prove you are Pro-life...Pass OBAMACARE in TEXAS! People are dying from lack of care and you all have done Nothing! I thought Texas cared more for it's people but this lack of responsibility by Perry, Dewhurst, Abbott and Straus stinks to high Heaven. Peoples lives count more than politics. And, we all know that the Titanic could have supported all its members if everyone had done their jobs properly and if all aboard truly cared about their fellow man.

Why is this important?

Rick Perry is refusing 1) federal dollars to expand Medicaid 2) healthcare exchange program. He told the nation of Fox News watchers but not on Texas' local news. Texas is 51st in the nation of people without heathcare coverage. Perry refusals are costing lives. People's lives should come first.