To: Siskiyou County Supervisors
Make Siskiyou County Roundup Free
Hardware and gardening stores in Nevada County are promoting the sale of Monsanto's Round-Up as a weed killer. All for good reason, it's Spring... and, money talks. Though, the community at large supported Prop 37: Label GMO Campaign Legislation. When President Barack Obama signed H.R. 933, Monsanto Protection Act became a Federal mandate giving Monsanto the permission to have complete immunity to commit crimes against small farmers and nature without any judicial checks and balances. The least concerned citizens can do on a local level is boycott Monsanto's Round-Up, and discourage vendors from promoting products, and agricultural practices that are deleterious to the health and safety of our home communities. Please inform your local vendors to remove Round-Up from their shelves, and customers to boycott its sale.
Why is this important?
Prohibit the sale of Roundup as a herbicide and related Monsanto products. Remove Roundup from local hardware and gardening store shelves.