To: The United States Senate

Make Student Loan Rates the Same as Big Banks

Big banks are getting low-interest loans from the Federal Reserve at the rock-bottom rate of 0.75 percent.

Yet student loan rates are set to double this summer to 6.8 percent.

Student loans should receive the same interest rates that big banks do.

I support Senator Elizabeth Warren’s “The Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act” and making college loans more accessible to students across the country.

Why is this important?

Big banks pay a rock-bottom interest rate of 0.75 percent on loans from the Federal Reserve.

That's in comparison to student loan rates, which are set to double to 6.8 percent this summer.

The same big banks that were responsible for our nation's financial collapse are being rewarded by the Federal Reserve, while students who want to invest in themselves are being punished.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has introduced The Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act to help address this inequality and make it easier for students to pay for college.

Sign the petition now and stand with Senator Warren.