To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

Make the child safe

Protect a little girl from the pedophile who hurt her siblings and his parents who are using her as a weapon

Why is this important?

In 2005, Michael Weaver was charged with sexually abusing 4 of my children and was convicted for 2 counts. My 4th child was so young there was no way to get her to tell us.

Since that time, I have fought against false charges from CPS that were dismissed. CPS workers put my little girl in the home of the pedophile’s parents, and the court moved the case jurisdiction to Galveston County. I have been fighting for my daughter to come home.

Thanks to a loophole in court orders relating to my divorce from Michael, joint custody was granted to his parents. This convicted pedophile now has far more access to my daughter than I do. He visits her daily. His parents see no reason to stop it from happening. She has told me she is alone with him sometimes but since I have no proof, my hands are tied.

The pedophile’s parents still have my little girl. They have stated under oath they believe he is only “technically” guilty, meaning they don’t believe my children's testimony, nor the court’s judgement. They have told me off the record they believe he is innocent.

Please – sign my petition to bring my daughter back home with myself and her siblings, where she belongs and where she will be safe.
