To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Make The Donkey or Burro The "official" Mascot of Democrat Party!

After almost 150 years of use, it is time to make the donkey or burro, the "official" mascot of the National Democrat Party. It is the most perfect mascot to have during these troubled times. The elephant is a large and fat and agressive creature to eats more than he produces. The donkey is a hardy, hard working little fellow who has helped farmers plow their fields and carry they products to market, he has helped miners dig out the gols, silver, copper and coal out of the hills, he has helped merchants carry their wares and he helped the Holy Family safely get to the place ot the Christ child's birth...he has represented the working class and mothers and children and like the rest of us he came to America from som place else and helped build our nation just as Democrats continue to do today. It is time to give the little guy the recognition he so richly deserves! When the Democrats hold their next National Convention, The 2012 Democratic National Convention in in Charlotte, N.C. lets have President Obama ask the delegates to make the donkey or burro the OFFICIAL mascot of the National Democrat Party once and for all. This is an animal he should be proud of to represent him and our beloved party that has been stubborn and stood for what they believed right for almost 150 years and ask nothing in return.

Why is this important?

Thomas Nast, a famous political cartoonist, is credited with the earlier uses of the donkey, He first used the donkey in an 1870 Harper's weekly cartoon to represent the "Copperhead Press" kicking a dead lion, symbolizing Lincoln's Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, who had recently died. The Republicans got the elephant loved it and officially adopted it...the Democrats never have. after 142 years it is about time. The donkey is a stubborn little fellow and now more than ever before we as Democrats have to be stubborn and fight for our rights be they dealing with gender, racism, or sexual orientation. We have to stand up for the poor, the hungry, the homeless and for good schools, clean air and water and making sure that the wars we fight are worth fighting. Yes we have to fight for jobs and making sure taxes are fair and the amounts each pays is just for his earnings and ability to pay. Today more than ever Democrats MUST be stubborn and stand tight for what is just, fair and right.
The donkey is the prefect mascot, and adding the word burro is fitting to invite Hispanics who seem to be America's largest emerging minority, and Democrats will do far more for them than the Republicans. Finally let us remember that Mary the mother of Jesus rode to the place of his birth on the back of a donkey, which he himself later rode to make a very clear point...if it is good enough for Christ, it should be good enough for the Democrat Party. I think our Democrat Leaders should make it official at the next national convention and formally adopt it!
